Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Final: Reasoning of the Law

My lawyer's thinking process was very straight to the point. He analyzed the legal matter and saw it as just that. He listed the solution as it is and was all about proof. He mentioned that if you can prove it, you can win it. He explained that in a legal matter, there is always a person that knows their right but in the retail business specifically, both sides always think they're right.
“As a general rule, and infringement will be deemed deliberate if it begins after the mark in question has been federally registered, because the infringer is deemed to have notice of the existing mark.”

Clearly, both sides cannot be right but to each, his own. That is why you always need proof. You must always prove your side right and it is simple as that. When he told me this, it gave me a whole outlook on lawyers because he made it seem that he is all about the truth and I highly appreciated that. It is what justice is all about. “A patent application must be filed in the name of the true inventor or inventors. If there is more than one inventor, each becomes an applicant for the patent, and each automatically owns equal shares of the invention and any resulting patents.”

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